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時間:2020-12-31來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Postdoctoral Fellows Program

School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at Princeton University Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at Princeton University

The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at Princeton University invites applications for the Princeton Bioengineering Initiative – Innovators (PBI2), Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellows program, with start dates as early as September 2021. This program supports outstanding researchers, working on fundamental and applied problems at the interface of Engineering and the Life Sciences.

At Princeton, Biological Engineering includes both the application of fundamental concepts from engineering and physics to probe biology, and the use of that knowledge to actively engineer living systems for human health and society. We recently launched the Princeton Bioengineering Initiative (PBI), and are rapidly growing our interdisciplinary Biological Engineering community, which spans a range of departments including Chemical and Biological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Molecular Biology, and Physics. The PBI will support and expand Bioengineering activities already underway on campus, and ignite new directions in research, education, and innovation at the intersection of the Life Sciences and Engineering. The new PBI2 fellows program is central to that mission, and will contribute to creating an ecosystem of excellence and diversity.

PBI2 fellows must collaborate with two or more Princeton faculty in a Bioengineering-related field, and establish an interdisciplinary research plan that aligns with the mission of the PBI. Plans that forge new collaborations that include faculty research programs in the School of Engineering and Applied Science are strongly encouraged. We particularly welcome projects that seek to develop novel technologies, and utilize new tools for addressing fundamental questions about living systems, and/or harnessing these systems for applications.

This program provides a unique opportunity for newly-minted PhDs to:

• Obtain the benefits of a traditional postdoctoral training, but with the opportunity for dual mentorship across different labs, while gaining experience in guiding their own new research directions, including managing a modest research budget

• Play a leadership role in building Princeton’s rapidly growing BioE program

• Interact with others in the PBI2 cohort, and others in Princeton’s broader BioE community, around programming on career development, including grant writing, managing family/work life balance, how to establish productive collaborations, and navigating the faculty job search

Appointments are anticipated for three years, with renewal each year contingent upon satisfactory performance. Fellows will hold the rank of associate research scholar and be provided a generous salary, standard University benefits, and a stipend of $25,000 per year to support their research, conference travel, etc. Eligible candidates must have received their Ph.D. in a related field no later than two years prior to the anticipated start date. Preference will be given to candidates who are not currently affiliated with Princeton University. Applicants will be asked to identify in their application two Princeton faculty with whom they intend to collaborate, who will be identified as the primary mentors. Mentors will be asked to submit a letter assessing the candidate’s academic strength and proposed research plan and to commit a portion of the financial support. The Princeton Bioengineering Initiative is committed to diversity and making the field more equitable and inclusive. With this in mind, we will take into consideration personal experiences, as well as efforts in education, outreach or other service activities related to bioengineering or other sciences. Applicants are invited to describe such experiences and their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the cover letter.

This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.

More complete details and additional information can be found through the Princeton University academic jobs site, position reference https://www.princeton.edu/acad-positions/position/18901. Applications must be completed by February 28, 2021, 11:59 p.m. EST, for full consideration. Questions about the fellowships or application process may be directed Jimalyn Pablacio, jpablacio@princeton.edu.


