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時間:2020-12-30來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Post Doc on Tracking Ecosystem and Biodiversity Dynamics from Space

Aarhus University


Postdoc position at Department for Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Department of Biology advertises a two-year post doc position. The candidate will be part of SustainScapes – Center for Sustainable Landscapes under Global Change.

Research area and project description: Utilizing the increasing spatial and temporal resolution of remotely sensed information provides new opportunities to map and track ecosystems and biodiversity from space. You will focus on detecting and mapping changes in key habitats and ecosystems as well as their biodiversity potential across Denmark. You will combine time-series of local observations with national airborne mapping of vegetation structure (from LiDAR) and spectral and structural information derived from satellite-based remote sensing products (e.g., Sentinel and Landsat). You will help develop key remotely sensed indicators of the biodiversity potential of specific habitats and to validate their transferability across time and space. You will contribute to develop a monitoring program that links local observations of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics with drone-, air-, and satellite-based remote sensing data across space and time. Your work will contribute to develop and implement detection systems of ecosystem and biodiversity change in a spatially explicit tool for decision support.

Qualifications We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in geography, or related fields, and with a strong research background in remote sensing and experience with a wide range of remotely sensed products. Knowledge on spatial ecology, essential biodiversity variables, and mapping of habitats, terrestrial ecosystems, or biodiversity across time is an advantage. We look for the following specific qualifications:

  Proven capabilities in handling and analysing remotely sensing data at large extents.

  Expertise in mapping habitats, terrestrial ecosystems, or biodiversity components across time.

  Experience with cross-scale integration for different data sources (e.g., local observations and drone- and satellite based remote sensing).

  Strong knowledge of programming languages (e.g., R, Python).

  Excellent knowledge in machine learning.

  Ability to develop and conceptualize on a theoretical or empirical basis.

  Proven ability to publish at a high international level and in key journals within the field.

  Good collaboration skills across different groups of employees.

  It is a prerequisite that you are good at communicating in English.

Place of employment The place of employment is Aarhus University, Department of Biology, Section for Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity (ECOINF), Ny Munkegade 114, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. You will be part of SustainScapes – Center for Sustainable Landscapes under Global Change, a newly established research centre focused on establishing research-based sustainable solutions for maintenance of biodiversity and production across landscapes.

Contact information Any questions about the position can be directed to Prof. Signe Normand (Director of SustainScapes). For more information about Section for Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity: Read here.

SustainScapes –Center for Sustainable Landscapes under Global Change You will be part of an excellent, divers, inclusive, and vibrant research environment and embedded in a network ofnational and international collaborators. SustainScapes is a newly established research centre focused on providing the scientific basis for rethinking landscapes for restoring biodiversity in a world with increasing resource needs and a changing climate. SustainScapes aims a providing transformative real-world sustainable solutions that will alleviate biodiversity loss while satisfying societal needs for agricultural and forestry products across Denmark and beyond. Overall, SustainScapes addresses: (i) how delays in response to multiple global change drivers affect our ability to maintain biodiversity jointly with a sustainable bio- based production of food, materials, and energy, (ii) how nature-based solutions (NbS) and landscape-scale prioritization can best contribute to bio- and geodiversity recovery, (iii) how local to nation-wide sustainable solutions can be embedded in a globalized context, and (iv) how visualisation of co-benefits of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can foster implementation of transformative, sustainable, and actionable solutions. The centre is based on a 6-years project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and lead by Prof. Signe Normand, Department of Biology and Prof. Tommy Dalgaard, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University.

Application procedure

Shortlisting is used. This means that after the deadline for applications – and with the assistance from the assessment committee chairman, and the appointment committee if necessary, – the head of department selects the candidates to be evaluated. All applicants will be notified whether or not their applications have been sent to an expert assessment committee for evaluation. The selected applicants will be informed about the composition of the committee, and each applicant is given the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that concerns him/her self. Once the recruitment process is completed a final letter of rejection is sent to the deselected applicants.

Letter of reference

If you want a referee to upload a letter of reference on your behalf, please state the referee's contact information when you submit your application. We strongly recommend that you make an agreement with the person in question before you enter the referee's contact information, and that you ensure that the referee has enough time to write the letter of reference before the application deadline. Unfortunately, it is not possible to ensure that letters of reference received after the application deadline will be taken into consideration.


