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時間:2020-12-01來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Job Description

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Apply now Job No:511992 Area:Faculty of Medicine Salary (FTE):Academic Level A ($69,342.89 - $92,782.26) Work type:Full Time - Fixed Term Location: St Lucia

School of Biomedical Sciences

The University of Queensland School of Biomedical Sciences is a distinguished centre for teaching and research in the academic disciplines of Anatomy, Developmental Biology, Physiology, Pharmacology and Pathology. The School has more than 40 full-time research and teaching staff and is one of the largest Schools of its type in Australia. It has links to other prestigious research centres on the St Lucia campus including the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), the Institute of Molecular Bioscience (IMB) and the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN). Our diverse research provides an exciting environment for national and international research fellows and higher degree students. It is concerned with advancing the understanding of how cellular mechanisms contribute to the function of the human body in health and disease. Details of the research interests of academic staff may be accessed on the school's web site at https: // biomedicalsciences. uq.edu.au/.

About This Opportunity

Opportunity to develop your expertise and emerging research profile in your discipline within the School of Biomedical Sciences. You will contribute to service and engagement roles and activities and will be supported and guided by more senior academic research staff and will be expected to undertake duties including, but not limited to:

Develop a coherent research program and an emerging research profile.

Work with colleagues and postgraduates in the development of joint research projects for competitive research funding support.

Participate in applications for competitive research funding support.

Publish or exhibit in high quality outlets (often in collaboration with colleagues).

Assist in the supervision of Honour student and Higher Degree by Research students (as appropriate)

We value diversity and inclusion, and actively encourage applications from those who bring diversity to the University. Our Diversity and Inclusion webpage contains further information if you require additional support. Accessibility requirements and/or adjustments can be directed to recruitment@uq.edu.au.

The Ideal Candidate

In addition to a PhD in a relevant area, we are seeking candidates with the following skills and experience:

An emerging profile in research in the discipline area.

Evidence of publications in reputed refereed journals and presenting at conferences.

Evidence of contributions towards successfully obtaining external research funding.

Some experience in meaningful internal service roles and contributions towards external activities.

What We Can Offer

This is a full-time, fixed term position for two years at Academic level A. The full-time equivalent base salary will be in the range $86,678 - $92,782 plus super of up to 17%.

For further information, please review The University of Queensland's Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2018-2021.

Position Description

PDPostdoctoral Research Fellow511992


