美國哈佛醫學院: 疼痛或神經退化研究方向博士后招聘
We currently have postdoctoral positions available in the laboratory of Dr. Isaac Chiu at Harvard Medical School. The Chiu laboratory focuses on crosstalk between the nervous system and the immune system. We combine neurobiology, immunology and microbiology approaches to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms of pain, host-pathogen defense, and neuro-inflammation. Specific positions are available for projects to study how microbes and immune cells impact neurons in chronic pain or neurodegeneration.
The lab is collaborative and friendly. For further information, please go to the Chiu lab website: http://chiulab.med.harvard.edu.
We have particular interest in applicants with a background in pain or neurodegeneration research. Candidates with strong publication records are preferred. Candidates must have a PhD in a related field by the time of the start date.
Interested applicants should submit:
- Cover Letter
- CV
- 3 Professional references
Please email your application materials to isaac_chiu@hms.harvard.edu.
The Chiu lab is part of the Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School, Department of Immunology, and is located in the Longwood Medical Area as part of the vibrant Harvard scientific community.