Post-Doc Positions in Research Center for Nanorobotics in Brain
· Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
· Location: Gwangju, Korea, South
· Job Number: 7058327
· Posting Date: Jul 9, 2019
· Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
Postdoc positions are available for Research Center for Nanorobotics in Brain ( at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
Research Center for Nanorobotics in Brain(NCNB) starts big projects about developments of a magnetic drug targeting system of nano robots inside a body with magnetic particle imaging (MPI) for real time monitoring (2019.04-2023.12), and development of MPI-based brain stimulation system (2019.04-2024.12)
Job Responsibilities:
• Magnetic Particle Imaging for Nano-robots
-The researches will focus on developing an electromagnetic medical robotic platform to monitor and drive, heat magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) inside a body. The main purpose of the researches is to implement a non-invasive medical robotic platform using an external magnetic control system and nanoparticles imaging system with a radio frequency for a brain treatment such as brain cancer and stroke diseases. As a main robotic platform, magnetic particle imaging(MPI) will be utilized to guide, heat, and get a real time imaging of MNPs. The researcher needs to cooperate with neuroscience researchers with animal experiments and evaluations. Thus, the researcher needs to have strong backgrounds of an electro-magnetic system, control, and robotics, or MRI backgrounds.
-Annual salary ranges from US $35,000 (₩1000 for 1$) to $45,000 depending on the applicant’s experience and capability.
• Please feel free to contact Prof. Jungwon Yoon (jyoonATgistDOTacDOTkr) for further questions.
We are looking forward to your application.
• You can also check our groups’ recent publications in this google scholar site;
Contact Information:
Jungwon Yoon
Associate Professor School of Integrated Technology/Director, Research Center for Nanorobotics in Brain
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
123 Cheomdan-gwagiro
Gwangju,Korea, South
Tel: 82-10-2402-6904