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時間:2019-07-10來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名



  The Kreysing Lab at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Dresden, and the Center for System Biology Dresden (CSBD), Germany, is offering

  2 Postdoctoral Positions in Biophysics.

  Job Description

  We recently succeeded to optically induce hydrodynamic flows within cells and developing embryos (Mittasch et al, Nature Cell Biology 20, 2018).

  As a next step we plan to further exploit this technique for the active micro-rheology of phase-separated compartments, as well as precision micro-manipulations of organelles within cells and early embryos (C. elegans and mouse). By this approach we aim to reveal structure-function relationships underlying cellular organization and to gain control of central developmental programs. Long term aims include enhanced clinical diagnostics and early development assistance.


  We seek two ambitious postdoctoral researchers with a strong background in biophysics, quantitative biology or related disciplines. Candidates should be familiar with at least several of the following techniques:

  Light Microscopy, optics (i.e. optical tweezers), cell culture, C. elegans research, programming (python and/or labview), and quantitative data analysis. Equally important are outstanding creativity and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary science. Excellent English communication skills (spoken and in writing) are required.

  Salary and social benefits will be in accordance with the regulations of the German TVöD Bund (salary agreement for public service employees). The contract will be limited initially to 2 years with the possibility of extension.

  Applications that include

  o    a cover letter indicating the motivation to apply for this position,

  o    a CV including a publication list,

  o    a concise description of previous research accomplishments (<1 page), and

  o    contact details of at least 2 approachable academic referees

  should be submitted via our online application system stating Code 2019-PostDoc-2290 in your application letter: https://recruitingapp-2443.umantis.com/Vacancies/425/Application/CheckLogin/2?lang=eng

  These full-time positions are available immediately, there is no deadline.

  The Max Planck Society strives for gender and diversity equality. We welcome applications from all backgrounds.

  Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

  Pfotenhauerstr. 108

  01307 Dresden, Germany



