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時間:2019-05-16來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名





  Post-doctoral fellowships in discovery/medicinal chemistry and chemical/molecular biology

  Several post-doctoral fellowships are available in the Ott Laboratory (http://www.massgeneral.org/research/researchlab.aspx?id=1768) at the Center for Cancer Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School – Boston, MA, United States. We are a team of dedicated scientists that use the disciplines of computational biology, chemistry, and functional genetics to define novel gene regulatory targets for cancer. Specifically, we are interested in developing early-stage chemical probes to target essential chromatin modulators in lymphoid malignancies (acute leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma).

  Position 1: Discovery/medicinal chemistry of essential gene regulatory factors in cancer

  The lab is recruiting a post-doctoral synthetic organic chemist with significant experience in small molecule chemistry, and a keen understanding of the principles of medicinal chemistry and translational pharmacology. The ideal candidate will also have a basic understanding of cellular and molecular biology. Available projects include synthesis of chemical probes targeting lysine acetylation pathways, transcription factor ligand development, and deployment of next-generation pharmacologic strategies including targeted protein degradation and covalent probe synthesis. Candidate(s) will have a Ph.D. in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, or related discipline.

  Position 2: Chemical/molecular biology of essential gene regulatory factors in cancer

  The lab is recruiting a post-doctoral molecular or chemical biologist with a significant interest in using functional and chemical genetics to probe the essential gene regulatory factors of lymphoid malignancies. The ideal candidate(s) will have a Ph.D., M.D., or M.D./Ph.D. in molecular biology, pharmacology, oncology, or related discipline. Familiarity with computational tools useful for genomics and epigenomics research is desirable. Available projects in the lab include understanding mechanisms of cancer cell dependency on lineage-defining gene regulatory factors and associated epigenetic machinery, high-throughput assay design and screening for novel chemical probes, functional genetic screening with gene editing technology to identify new therapeutic targets, and genome-wide chromatin structure analysis to understand gene regulatory malfunction in lymphoid malignancies.

  Both positions require a high level of self-motivation, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work diligently and cooperatively with others. Successful applicants will be able to work independently, maintain high standards of laboratory safety, and display the intellectual curiosity required to effectively lead multidisciplinary projects.

  Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and the contact details of three references directly to:

  Christopher Ott, PhD



