
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 德國馬克斯普朗克植物育種研究所博士后職位



時間:2019-04-18來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名



  在該研究項目的框架內,旨在闡明全中心植物Rhynchospora pubera和R. tenuis的基因組組織,減數分裂適應和重組頻率,我們正在尋找一位積極主動的博士后和博士候選人。


  The research group “Evolution of Meiosis”, belonging to the Department of Chromosome Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (Cologne, Germany), is interested in the study of meiotic adaptations and recombination mechanisms taking place in holocentric plants. The group will start up from September 1st 2019. Here, we will address these evolutionary meiotic questions using as model species plants from the genus Rhynchospora, which have species with chiasmatic and achiamastic meiosis.

  In the framework of this research project, which aims to elucidate the genome organization, meiotic adaptations and recombination frequencies in the holocentric plants Rhynchospora pubera and R. tenuis, we are looking for a highly motivated postdoc and a PhD candidate.

  Please find below the description of the available positions:

  Postdoc position (36 months):

  Your tasks:

  ·         You are going to work on the genome assembly, comparative transcriptome analysis as well as on the estimation of recombination frequencies in holocentric plants

  ·         You will perform several bioinformatic tasks regarding comparative genomics and transcriptomics

  You fit to us:

  ·         You are bright, highly motivated, and enthusiastic person

  ·         You are interested in evolutionary plant genomics, meiosis, evolution

  ·         You have good communication skills

  ·         You have the ability to work independently, as well as part of a team

  ·         A willingness to apply for fellowships where appropriate (e.g EMBO, Marie-Curie, DFG)

  Your qualification and skills:

  ·         You own a PhD degree in Bioinformatics

  ·         You have a background in plant genomics, recombination analysis, meiosis, evolution

  ·         You do have solid English skills, which are a prerequisite for an effective work in our multicultural working environment

  The salary will be according to German civil service conditions (TVöD-Bund) and includes social security benefits.

  PhD position (36 months):

  Your tasks:

  ·         You are going to study several proteins related to meiotic adaptations and recombination in holocentric plant species

  ·         You will identify candidate genes, develop new antibodies and perform several cytological experiments in meiotic cells

  ·         You will be involved in the genome assembly and meiotic transcriptome characterization of holocentric plants

  You fit to us:

  ·         You are bright, highly motivated, and enthusiastic person

  ·         You are interested in evolutionary plant cytology, cellular biology, evolution, meiosis, recombination

  ·         You have good communication skills

  ·         You have the ability to work independently, as well as part of a team

  Your qualification and skills:

  ·         You own a master degree on plant biology, genetics, biochemistry, cytology, or related field

  ·         You have a background in plant genomics, recombination analysis, meiosis

  ·         You do have solid English skills, which are a prerequisite for an effective work in our multicultural working environment

  Salary and working hours are in accordance with funding guidelines of the Max Planck Society for junior scientists. Working hours are full time; salary is 50% of E13 TVöD-Bund.

  The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

  Please send a CV (including contact details of two or three references) and a letter of motivation to Dr. André Marques (application-marques@mpipz.mpg.de) with the subject title ‘MPIPZ Postdoc’ or ‘MPIPZ PhD’.

  Applications will be gladly accepted before May 31th 2019.


