
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 奧地利維也納自然資源和生命科學大學基因組生物信息學或計算生物學方向博士后招聘



時間:2019-04-11來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


  維也納自然資源與生命科學大學 - 對人類和自然的責任。我們致力于可持續利用和保護自然資源生物技術部,Himmelbauer集團目前正在尋找博士后研究員(參考代碼:63)




  大學工作人員(每年支付14次):B1點燃。 b,€3.803,90

  我們是一個專注于農作物基因組學的多學科團隊;我們的實驗室位于BOKU Muthgasse校區,與維也納市中心相連。在過去幾年中,我們的研究工作包括栽培和野生甜菜的基因組(Dohm et al.Nature 2014)和相關物種。該小組為分析其他基因組做出了貢獻,例如普通豆,膀胱和不同的昆蟲物種。我們提供友好和支持的氛圍,以及最先進的計算基礎設施(請參閱http://seq.boku.ac.at)。


  University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna – responsibility for Humans and Nature. We work for the sustainable use and protection of natural resources The Department of Biotechnology, Group Himmelbauer is currently seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Reference code: 63)
  Extent of employment: 40 Hours per Week
  Duration of employment: 01st of June 2019, limited to 31st of May 2022
  Gross monthly salary and pay grade in terms of collective agreement
  for university staff (payable 14 times per year): B1 lit. b, € 3.803,90
  We are a multidisciplinary team focusing on the genomics of crop plants; our labs are located at the BOKU Muthgasse campus well connected to the city centre of Vienna. In the past years, our research efforts included genomes of cultivated and wild beets (Dohm et al. Nature 2014) and related species. The group has contributed to the analysis of additional genomes such as common bean, bladderwort, and different insect species. We offer a friendly and supporting atmosphere, and state-of-the-art computing infrastructure (see http://seq.boku.ac.at).
  The position offers developing options towards an academic career. We are looking forward to expanding our team by a dedicated and strongly motivated person with distinct interest in challenges of bioinformatics in the context of plant genome analysis.
  Scientific research in bioinformatics, genomics, and evolution of crop plants and their wild relatives, supporting and extending current research lines of the bioinformatics group
  Teaching activities in English and/or German
  Required skills and qualifications
  Doctorate degree with scientific focus on genome bioinformatics or computational biology
  Postdoctoral experience is beneficial
  Experience with the analysis and interpretation of large data sets, in particular high-throughput sequencing data from eukaryotic organisms
  Solid programming skills/scripting skills (e.g. Perl or Python; Linux shell-scripting)
  Excellent publication record
  Applications can be submitted until: 10th of May 2019
  University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference unless reasons specific to an individual male candidate tilt the balance in his favour.
  Please send your job application (incl. letter of motivation, CV, publication list, scientific experience and contact details for three referees) in a single pdf file (max. 5 Mb) via email to kerstin.buchmueller@boku.ac.at, (Reference code: 63), Personnel department, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 70.
  We regret that we cannot reimburse applicants travel and lodging expenses incurred as part of the selection and hiring process.


