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時間:2019-03-19來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名



  比利時魯汶市弗蘭德斯神經電子學研究所(Neuro Electronics Research Flanders)視覺行動實驗室(Vincent Bonin,PI)博士和博士后職位(NERF,www.nerf.be)。







  Neuronal circuits of vision and navigation

  PhD and Postdoc positions in the Vision-to-Action Laboratory (Vincent Bonin, PI) at Neuro-Electronics Research Flanders in Leuven, Belgium, (NERF, www.nerf.be).

  The selected candidates will investigate the neural coding and circuitry basis underlying perceptual decisions and/or navigation behavior using cutting-edge approaches, including viral tracing, two-photon cellular imaging and high-density electrode recording (Neuropixel).

  About the lab

  Our research is centered on the visual cortex and primary visual pathway, their processing and contributions to behavior. We have made significant contributions to the fields of sensory processing and neuromodulation [1-3], navigation [4, 5], and neurotechnology [6, 7]. Ongoing projects include cortex functional architecture, multisensory integration, cortical plasticity, neuron-glia interactions, and brain development.

  Job description

  This is a fully-funded, research-only position that is endowed with a high level of independence. Fellows design and run their own research projects and work closely with other lab members to develop new assays and analyses, contributing with both methodological and conceptual insights. Fellows interact broadly with researchers at NERF and partner labs at VIB and KU Leuven. Career advancement activities such as presentations at international scientific events, writing of funding proposals and organization of workshops are strongly encouraged.


  Master’s or PhD in neuroscience, biology or related field and experience in electrophysiology, cellular imaging, or quantitative animal behavior. We seek a highly motivated individual with strong quantitative and technical skills and a collaborative spirit. Computational scientists with interest in experimental neuroscience are encouraged to apply.

  We offer

  ·         Opportunity to do cutting edge science in a supportive and collaborative team.

  ·         State-of-the-art tools and facilities: The laboratory is equipped with multiple setups for multiphoton microscopy, widefield imaging, and high-density electrode recordings (Neuropixels).

  ·         Proximity to exciting research places at the heart of Europe. NERF is within walking distance of KU Leuven on the campus of imec, world-leader in nanoelectronics research. Leuven is a short train ride away from Brussels at the heart of Europe and has a vibrant research community. Reuters has ranked KU Leuven in the top 5 of the world’s most innovative universities.

  ·         Fully-funded, research only positions with benefits.

  How to apply?

  The application package should include a CV, the names of 2-3 referees, and a statement specifying career goals, research interests, and how these relate to the interests of the lab.

  Pre-doctoral fellows should include a copy of their undergraduate and graduate university transcripts. Candidates from other fields should provide a clear statement on objectives and how these fit within the NERF research activities as research statement. For more information about the NERF PhD Program: https://www.nerf.be/2019-nerf-phd-program

  Please submit your application to one of the link below:

  ·         Pre-doctoral: https://goo.gl/forms/DHTyjB56tZaprPI12

  ·         Postdoctoral: https://goo.gl/forms/2Daz1foJOkfhb6IG3


  1. Socha, K., et al., Behavioral response to visual motion impacts population coding in the mouse visual thalamus. bioRxiv, 2018.

  2. Han, X., B. Vermaercke, and V. Bonin, Segregated encoding of spatiotemporal features in the mouse visual cortex. bioRxiv, 2018.

  3. Slezak, M., et al., Astrocytes integrate local sensory and brain-wide neuromodulatory signals. bioRxiv, 2018.

  4. Mao, D., et al., Sparse orthogonal population representation of spatial context in the retrosplenial cortex. Nat Commun, 2017. 8(1): p. 243.

  5. Mao, D., et al., Hippocampus-dependent emergence of spatial sequence coding in retrosplenial cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2018. 115(31): p. 8015-8018.

  6. Mols, K., et al., In vivo characterization of the electrophysiological and astrocytic responses to a silicon neuroprobe implanted in the mouse neocortex. Sci Rep, 2017. 7(1): p. 15642.

  7. Jun, J.J., et al., Fully integrated silicon probes for high-density recording of neural activity. Nature, 2017. 551(7679): p. 232-236.


