基因組科學研究所(IGS)目前有多個博士后研究員職位,可在傳染病基因組中心(GCID)項目上工作。GCID是NIAID U19的一部分,用于研究宿主病原微生物群相互作用和疾病結局。補助金內的子項目是針對細菌、真菌或寄生病原體的。
The Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) currently has multiple postdoctoral fellow positions available to work on the Genome Center for Infectious Disease (GCID) project. GCID is part of an NIAID U19 to study host-pathogen-microbiome interactions and disease outcomes. Subprojects within the grant are specific to bacterial, fungal, or parasitic pathogens.
Qualified applicants will have demonstrated experience in applying laboratory and computational experimental approaches to generate and analyze large datasets. The selected candidates will have a doctoral degree in Microbiology, Genetics, Evolution, Biology, Computer Science, or a related field. Experience with statistical analyses and/or programming in Perl, Python, C/C++ and R is required.
The ideal applicants will have experience in genomics and/or bioinformatics with a background in microbiology and/or molecular evolution. Qualified candidates need to be independent, highly-motivated, able to work collaboratively, and demonstrate skill in scientific writing.
The Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine encompasses an inter-disciplinary,multi-departmental team of collaborative investigators with a broad research program related to the genomics and bioinformatics of disease. Postdoctoral fellows at IGS benefit from a community of interactive research labs, bioinformatics experts and a variety of state-of-the-art sequencing, and computational resources in a world-class institute dedicated to basic and translational genomic-based research.
The interview panel will consist of PIs leading individual subprojects. Based on experience and areas of interest, selected candidates will work within designated lab groups.
For more information on the GCID, visit
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Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.