The Genetic Epidemiology Group (GEP) investigates lifestyle and genetic factors involved in cancer in diverse populations, with the aim of contributing to primary prevention of cancer. These objectives are achieved through collaborative international studies, which integrate large scale epidemiology studies and high throughput omics methods (e.g. lifestyle and environmental exposures questionnaires together with whole genome and RNAsequencing). Our work involves strong collaborations with leading international academic, research and clinical centres.
An important aim of the group is to identify new causes of cancer, especially for cancers showing unexplained large geographical variations in incidence. This is done by conducting large multidisciplinary projects that involve biological and epidemiological characterization of cancer patients from all over the world, using the most advanced molecular and statistical approaches. We also have a major focus on early detection of cancer through identifying biomarkers for pre-clinical disease.
A postdoctoral opportunity is immediately available within the Group to contribute in one of our multidisciplinary cancer studies. These include the recent Cancer Research UK Grand Challenge project `Mutographs', which aims to identify mutation signatures for 5 different cancers, as well as large scale genome-wide and Mendelian randomization studies. There are also possibilities to contribute in early detection biomarker studies. Successful candidates should have a strong background in either cancer genomics or epidemiology or biostatistics, with a willingness to learn new techniques, as well as a good command of English.
The postdoctoral opportunity is initially for one year with the expectation of renewal, and is for candidates who have completed a Ph.D. or equivalent level. The IARC stipend is currently €2,820 per month. The cost of travel for the postdoc, and in certain circumstances for dependants, will be met. A dependant's allowance is paid, and health insurance covered. For more information about postdoctoral stays at IARC, please read the Postdoctoral charter here.
Applicants should send a CV, including list of publications and a description of previous research experience, as well as a motivation letter and the names and addresses of two academic referees, by email to:
Email: (please mention in the title of your email “Postdoctoral opportunity – Multidisciplinary cancer – IARC”)
To the attention of: Dr. Paul Brennan
Genetic Section – Genetic Epidemiology Group
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Tel: +33 4 72 73 85 33 Fax: +33 4 72 73 83 42…