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時間:2014-10-08來源:博士人才網 作者:91boshi

Junior Chairs - University of Bordeaux : Bordeaux, France

The Initiative of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux (IdEx Bordeaux) is opening up research chair positions for young scientists. 
The programme is intended to enhance the academic and scientific community of the University of Bordeaux and other partner institutions in strategic fields by supporting young, high-profile international researchers in setting up research teams to develop their own project within one of Bordeaux’s laboratories. Applications are open to all scientific fields.

These fields are: materials science,
neuroscience, environment and ecosystem, numerical certification and reliability, archaeology, lasers and photonics, health and societies, translational imaging and cardiology. 
Candidates bringing new skills to develop emerging research areas and researchers with an industrial background are welcome to apply.

The chairs will be funded for a period of up to three years.

Eligibility criteria
Eligible candidates should meet the following criteria:
- Two to ten years of postdoctoral experience (+1 year per maternity/paternity leave up to a maximum of 2 years). 
- Candidates must have obtained their PhD between 1st January 2005 and 1st
January 2013.
- Outstanding scientific record (publications, patents, etc.).

Applicants must be supported by a local host laboratory.
Applicants must not be part of the permanent research staff of any of the IdEx Bordeaux partner institutions.

Applicants should not have previously held a research position (including PhD) at the University
of Bordeaux or any other IdEx partner institution.


