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時間:2014-08-26來源:中國博士人才網 作者:91boshi

The Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP) opens a call for one Postdoc Fellowship to work in the thematic line on Towards a Comprehensive Study of Stars. The position is offered with funds provided by the project 'Exploitation of Space Data for Innovative Helio- and Asteroseismology (SPACEINN FP7-SPACE-2012-312844)' with financial support provided by European Commission. The position is to be started by the end of 2014, and no later than January 2015, for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second year depending on performance and the funds available in the project. 


The successful candidate is expected to pursue research in the development of asteroseismic diagnostic tools and their application to real data. Other topics associated with CAUP contribution to SPACEINN may also be considered. Previous expertise in stellar physics, seismic interpretation of stellar data and stellar modeling is welcomed. The fellow will also be involved in the other activities and deliverables of SPACEINN to be implemented by CAUP, namely within Work-Package 6 (Training, Outreach & Dissemination).


According to the rules of the National Science Foundation FCT, the yearly income is 17940,00 euro (tax free).

Additional Job Details

Application The application should include the following: Cover letter/e-mail with a brief description of the candidate's experience and motivation; Short Curriculum Vitae (up to 4 pages) including a list of previous research experience, description of relevant competencies/experience and possible relevant scientific publications (up to 1 additional page); Name and contact details (position, email, address) of two referees, available to provide information about the candidate (to be contacted if considered necessary). Selection Criteria The applicant must have completed a PhD degree in astronomy or a related field (physics, mathematics, etc) in a topic relevant for the SPACEINN project. Only applications from candidates having an adequate experience will be considered. A short-list of candidates will be defined in the first stage of the evaluation based on the submitted application. The short-listed applicants will be required to attend an interview at CAUP for the second stage of the evaluation. If necessary the interview will be done by video- or tele-conference.


