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時間:2014-08-14來源:博士人才網 作者:91boshi

Postdoctoral Researcher – Cell and Developmental Biology : Norwich, United Kingdom

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join the Laboratory of Prof Giles Oldroyd in the Department Cell and Developmental Biology at the John Innes Centre.

The aim of this research is extend our knowledge of symbiosis signalling in legumes and cereals to explore the feasibility of developing cereal crops capable of fixing nitrogen as an environmentally-sustainable approach for small scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa to increase maize yields.

Applicants are expected to have a PhD in plant biology or related field and an advanced knowledge of plant molecular genetics with a high quality publication history. A background in plant microbe interactions, particularly the molecular genetics of symbiosis signalling is desirable. Experience in the characterisation of symbiotic phenotypes, calcium imaging, microarray or ChIP-seq data analysis, or protein purification and phosphorylation analysis are all highly desirable. This is a flexible position for experienced researchers with an interest in symbiosis signalling and the development of nitrogen fixing cereals.

Salary on appointment will be within the range £29, 500 to £36, 060 per annum depending on qualifications and experience. This post is for a contract of 3 years in the first instance….


