The Biological Physics Theory Unit ( at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology is seeking a postdoctoral researcher with a broad interest in large-scale brain dynamics and cognition, an excellent quantitative background (PhD in physics, mathematics, computational neuroscience or related fields) and the ability to work independently. The successful candidate will join a strong existing collaboration with the Hasson Group ( at Princeton University. Current research directions focus on the theoretically-guided analysis of human brain imaging with natural stimuli including social experience with two or more brains. Familiarity with principled data analysis is desired although purely theoretical projects are also possible. Substantial resources are available for collaborative travel as well as to attend international conferences and workshops. Salary and benefits are competitive with international standards and compensation includes a housing allowance. The initial appointment will be for one year with an extension of two additional years upon satisfactory progress. To apply, please send a Curriculum Vitae along with the contact information for 3 references