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浙江中醫藥大學Georgios Giamas教授團隊2024年招聘全職博士后啟事

時間:2024-08-30來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

浙江中醫藥大學癌癥細胞信號實驗室(Georgios Giamas教授團隊)長期招聘全職博士后,具體內容詳見下方招聘信息“Postdoctoral Recruitment of Georgios Giamas Lab in Zhejiang Chinese Medical University”。

Postdoctoral Recruitment of Georgios Giamas Lab in Zhejiang Chinese Medical University


Post Title: Postdoc (PD) positions in Cancer Cell Signalling lab (Prof. Georgios Giamas Lab)

Employer: Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (ZCMU)

Location: Binwen Campus, HangzhouZhejiang

Treatment & Salary: Benefits such as five social insurance and one housing fund, and competitive bonus determined by the level of experience and skill set of the applicants.

Closing date: 31/12/2024

Essential criteria for postdoc (PD) posts:

· Excellent written/spoken knowledge of English and Chinese languages.

· PhD in biochemistry, molecular/cellular biology or equivalent.

· A minimum of one first author publication in a reputable journal.

· Advanced skills in biochemistry, molecular/cellular and cancer biology techniques.

· Commitment to work in a highly competitive field.

· A demonstrated ability to write scientific papers/grants and prepare high-quality figures.

· Ability to independently drive a research project and analyse data.

· Ability to work individually on own initiative and without close supervision, and as part of a team.

· Excellent organizational and oral/written communication skills.

· Ability to prioritize and meet deadlines.

· Excellent presentation and IT skills.

· Keeping accurate and complete records of lab work.

· Honesty, motivation, demonstrable independence, commitment and a strong work ethic.


Postdoctoral research positions are available in a newly established translational cancer research laboratory LED BY Professor Georgios Giamas at ZCMU (Binwen Campus), FROM SEP 2024. We are an active, vibrant research group and provide a stimulating and supportive research environment. We are committed to research excellence and to nurturing scientific careers amongst our trainees and junior faculty.

Available research projects include, but are not limited to:

01‘Identification of novel druggable targets within the breast and brain tumour microenvironments’;

02 ‘Identification of solid tumours biomarkers in extracellular vesicles-based liquid biopsies’;

03 ‘Elucidation of the signalling pathways that LMTK3 is implicated in, in cancer and other disease/disorders’.

Our work combines a variety of in vitro, in vivo models and patients' specimens to study relevant pathways in cancer. An overview of research within the Giamas lab can be found at: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/lifesci/giamaslab/


Please contact Prof. Georgios Giamas (georgios.giamas@gmail.com) for informal enquiries.

Formal applications should be accompanied by a full CV and the names of three academic referees. Please send these materials to Prof. Georgios Giamas (georgios.giamas@gmail.com) and CC email to Dr. Zhendong Liu (zjszyyzzrsb@163.com).


Tel: +86-571-87071816





