1. 以科學研究為主,完成博士后研究任務;
2. 心血管或者電生理診療設備及導管的研制(1名)、人工智能算法研究(1名)、生物力學仿真(1名);
3. 獨立申報中國博士后科學基金和其他科研項目;
4. 協助合作導師申請科研項目;
5. 參與課題組的相關管理、分擔組內事務等。
1. 研究生學歷,博士學位;
2. 有心血管成像系統或者導管研發經驗、深度學習算法研究經驗、或者具備有限元分析求解研究經歷;
3. 熱愛科研并具有良好的科研職業道德,具有良好的溝通能力和團隊協作精神;
4. 有良好的英文口頭和書面表達能力;
5. 性格開朗、有上進心、身體素質良好。
1. 基本年薪根據上海交通大學博士后標準,另根據工作表現和研究情況發放績效獎勵,綜合年薪不低于30萬(具體面議);
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聯系人: 孫瓊
E-mail: sun_qiong@sjtu.edu.cn
課題組簡介:上海交通大學生物醫學工程學院生物醫學儀器研究所由中國工程院院士陳亞珠創建,致力與高端醫療器械的研究與轉化。隸屬于研究所的心血管診療技術與臨床轉化課題組由教育部“長江學者”特聘教授涂圣賢博士創建,主要從事心血管成像與生理功能學評估技術的研究與臨床轉化,先后承擔了科技部重點研發項目、國家自然科學基金委重點國際合作項目與上海市戰略新興產業重大項目等項目。課題組與上海博動醫療科技股份有限公司成立了影像技術聯合實驗室,成功研發了QFR、OFR與UFR等序列計算冠脈功能學評估技術,并完成這些技術的產學研轉化與臨床驗證,先后獲得國家藥監局評審為創新/優先審批醫療器械,在國內外幾百家醫院獲得臨床應用,并與國內外數十家心血管領域知名醫院建立了緊密的研究合作,獲得2019年中國醫療器械創新創業大賽人工智能組一等獎、2020年上海市產學研項目優秀項目獎一等獎、2021年長三角高附加值專利大賽一等獎等榮譽。課題組在算法研發、產業轉化以及臨床研究方面積累了豐富的經驗,研究成果發表在柳葉刀、JACC等頂級期刊,獲得了國際心血管介入治療領域臨床專家的廣泛認可,并受邀在心血管權威臨床期刊European Heart Journal發表綜述文章2篇。
1. Xu B.#*, Tu S.#, Song L.#, Jin Z., Yu B., Fu G., Zhou Y., Wang J. a., Chen Y., Pu J., Chen L., Qu X., Yang J., Liu X., Guo L., Shen C., Zhang Y., Zhang Q., Pan H., Fu X., Liu J., Zhao Y., Escaned J., Wang Y., Fearon W. F., Dou K., Kirtane A. J., Wu Y., Serruys P. W., Yang W., Wijns W., Guan C., Leon M. B., Qiao S., Stone G. W. Angiographic quantitative flow ratio-guided coronary intervention (FAVOR III China): a multicentre, randomised, sham-controlled trial. The Lancet 2021; 398:2149-2159.
2. Ding D, Huang J, Westra J, Cohen D. J, Chen Y, Andersen B. K, Holm N. R, Xu B, Tu S*, Wijns W*. Immediate post-procedural functional assessment of percutaneous coronary intervention: current evidence and future directions. Eur Heart J 2021; 42:2695-2707.
3. Chu M, Jia H, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Maehara A, Ali Z, Zeng Z, He L, Zhao C, Matsumura M, Wu P, Zeng M, Kubo T, Xu B, Chen L, Yu B, Mintz GS, Wijns W, Holm NR, Tu S*. Artificial intelligence and optical coherence tomography for the automatic characterisation of human atherosclerotic plaques. EuroIntervention 2021; 17:41-50.
4. Yu W, Tanigaki T, Ding D, Wu P, Du H, Ling Li, Huang B, Li G, Yang W, Zhang S, Yan F, Okubo M, Xu B, Matsuo H, Wijns W, Tu S*. Accuracy of Intravascular Ultrasound-based Fractional Flow Reserve in Identifying Hemodynamic Significance of Coronary Stenosis. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;14:e009840.
5. Tu S#*, Westra J#, Adjedj J#, Ding D, Liang F, Xu B, Holm NR, Reiber H, Wijns W. Fractional Flow Reserve in clinical practice: from wire-based invasive measurement to image-based computation. Eur Heart J 2020; 41, 3271–3279.
6. Huang J, Emori H, Ding D, Kubo T, Yu W, Huang P, Zhang S, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Akasaka T, Wijns W, Tu S*. Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography-based and Angiography-based Fractional Flow Reserve for Evaluation of Coronary Stenosis. EuroIntervention 2020;16:568-576.
7. Li Z, Zhang J*, Xu L, Yang W, Li G,Ding D, Chang Y, Yu M, Kitslaar P, Zhang S, Reiber JHC, Arbab-Zadeh A, Yan F, Tu S*. Diagnostic Accuracy of a Fast Computational Approach to Derive Fractional Flow Reserve from Coronary CT Angiography. J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2020; 13:167-182.
8. Wu P, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Tauzin H, Yang W, Li Y, Yu W, Chu M, Guillon B, Bai J, Meneveau N, Wijns W, Tu S*. Automatic stent reconstruction in optical coherence tomography based on a deep convolutional model. Biomed Opt Express 2020; 11:3374-3394.
9. Yu W, Huang H, Jia D, Chen S, Raffel OC, Ding D, Tian F, Kan J, Zhang S, Yan Y, Chen Y, Bezerra HG, Wijns W, Tu S*. Diagnostic Accuracy of Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography-derived Fractional Flow Reserve for Assessment of Coronary Stenosis Severity. EuroIntervention 2019;15:189-197.
10. Xu B#, Tu S#*, Qiao S, Qu X, Chen Y, Yang J, Guo L, Sun Z, Li Z, Tian F, Fang W, Chen J, Li W, Guan C, Holm NR, Wijns W, Hu S*. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Angiography-Based Quantitative Flow Ratio for Online Assessment of Coronary Stenosis. J Am Coll Cardio 2017; 70: 3077-87.
11. Wu X, Von Birgelen C, Takashi M, Li Y, Holm NR, Reiber JHC, Tu S*. A novel four-dimensional angiogrephic approach to assess dynamic superficial wall stress of coronary arteries in vivo: Initial experience in evaluating vessel sites with subsequent plaque rupture. EuroIntervention 2017; 13 (9): 1099-1103.
12. Tu S#*, Westra J, Yang J, von Birgelen C, Ferrara A, Pellicano M, Nef H, Tebaldi M, Murasato Y, Lansky A, Barbato E, van der Heijden LC, Reiber JHC, Holm NR, Wijns W,FAVOR Pilot Trial Study Group. Diagnostic Accuracy of Fast Computational Approaches to Derive Fractional Flow Reserve From Diagnostic Coronary Angiography: The International Multicenter FAVOR Pilot Study. J Am CollCardiolInterv 2016; 9:2024–35.
13. Li Y, Gutiérrez-Chico JL, Holm NR, Yang W, Hebsgaard L, Christiansen EH, Mæng M, Lassen JF, Yan F, Reiber JHC, Tu S*.Impact of Side Branch Modeling on Computation of Endothelial Shear Stress in Coronary Artery Disease: Coronary Tree Reconstruction by Fusion of 3D Angiography and OCT. J Am Coll Cardio 2015; 66:125-35.
14. Tu S#*, Echavarria-Pinto M, von Birgelen C, Holm NR, Pyxaras SA, Kumsars I, Lam MK, Valkenburg I, Toth GG, Li Y, Escaned J, Wijns W, Reiber JHC. Fractional flow reserve and coronary bifurcation anatomy: A novel quantitative model to assess and report the stenosis severity of bifurcation lesions. J Am CollCardiolInterv 2015; 8:564-74. [view]
15. Tu S#*, Barbato E, Koszegi Z, Yang J, Sun Z, Holm NR, Tar B, Li Y, Rusinaru D, Wijns W, Reiber JHC.Fractional flow reserve calculation from 3-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography and TIMIframe count: A fast computer model to quantify the functional significance of moderately obstructed coronary arteries. J Am CollCardiolInterv 2014, 7:768-777.