1. 金屬凝固理論;2.金屬增材制造;3.熔模精密鑄造
2. 發表高水平論文和申請發明專利;
3. 協助合作導師完成其它科研工作。
1. 年齡不超過35周歲,身體健康,已獲得或即將獲得博士學位;
2. 基本年薪不低于25萬,合作導師會根據工作情況給予一定的績效獎勵,科研成績特別優秀的申請者待遇一事一議;
3. 按照上海市和上海交大博士后管理政策辦理有關落戶及五險一金事宜;
4. 可申請博士后公寓,子女入學入托享受學校規定的相關待遇。
5. 入選國家博士后創新人才支持計劃和上海市超級博士后計劃的,年薪不低于35萬元。
6. 博士后首聘期為2年,評估合格后可延聘2年。學校為優秀博士后提供專有晉升通道:博士后出站時,滿足學校申請條件者,鼓勵和支持應聘學校長聘教軌教職。
聯系人:董安平老師 apdong@sjtu.edu.cn, (郵件標題注明:應聘某某崗位+本人姓名 )13817882779(微信同號)
Postdoc Position in Materials processing of superalloys
1. Areas of Research:
a. Fundamentals of solidification;
b.Additive manufacturing of metallic alloys
c. Investment casting
2. Job Responsibilities
a. Apply for national and
b. Measurements & data analysis, presenting & publishing research results,
c. Co-supervision of students & research assistants.
3. Conditions of application
a. Experience with the microstructural characterization of structure and extended defects using optical spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and other techniques along with theoretical and numerical multi-scale modeling of solidification phenomena in additive manufacturing or investment casting is an asset.
b. Earned PhD degree in physics, material science, mechanical engineering or related field is required for this position.
4. Remuneration
a. 250,000 RMB per year. Over than 350,000 RMB per year if selected into the National Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program and Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Program;
b. In accordance with the post-doctoral management policies of
c. The first post-doctorate employment period is 2 years, and the post-doctorate can be extended for 2 years after passing the evaluation. The school provides exclusive promotion channels for outstanding post-doctoral fellows: When a post-doctoral student leaves the station, those who meet the school’s application requirements are encouraged and supported to apply for school principals to hire faculty;
d. You can apply for a postdoctoral apartment, and your children can enjoy the relevant treatment stipulated by the school when they enter the nursery school.
5. Introduction of
Interested candidates should send their CVs to Prof. Anping Dong by email: apdong@sjtu.edu.cn. TEL: 13817882779(WeChat ID)