
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 高校博士后招收 > 南方科技大學統計與數據科學系2020年招聘數據科學方向博士后、科研教學助理、研究學者啟事



時間:2020-07-07來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


馬一方博士,南方科技大學統計與數據科學系助理教授,博士生導師。2016年獲得北京大學數學系博士學位,2014年至2016年、2016年至2019年分別在美國東北大學復雜網絡研究中心和美國西北大學Kellogg商學院訪學和從事博士后研究。研究方向為網絡科學、數據科學,已在Nature,PNAS,Nature PhysicsJAMA,Physics Reports等高水平期刊發表論文。課題組依托南方科技大學統計與數據科學系,配備高性能計算平臺,提供優厚的薪酬待遇,歡迎各位充滿學術熱情的青年才俊加盟。我們將打造自由靈活的理論研究環境、良好的實驗平臺和國際化的研究視野與科研團隊。












































有意向者請將以下信息整合為一個PDF文件:詳細簡歷、成績單、personal statementresearch statement、最早可到崗時間。郵件發送至周老師:zhouzd3@mail.sustech.edu.cn,郵件標題請注明:應聘崗位-本人姓名-所學專業 。


Opening for Research Assistant, Research Scholar, and Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Yifang Ma, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at Department of Statistics and Data Science of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He earned his Ph.D. in mathematics in 2016 from School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO) and Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University from 2016 to 2019. His research focuses on Network Science, Data Science and Computational Social Science, and he has published papers in top tier journals like Nature, PNAS, Nature Physics, The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Physics Reports, etc.

The research team is seeking exceptional candidates for full time, academic research position at the rank of research assistant, research scholar, and postdoctoral research fellow. Salary is highly competitive based on performance. Candidates will work on topics related to Science of Science, Computational Social Science, Network Science, AI, etc. Our priority is to attract technically strong researchers who are interested in asking new questions with data and enthusiastic to work with data.

● Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Research Areas: Applied mathematics, computer science, econometric and other interdisciplinary areas in relating fields.

Job Requirements:

1. Candidates must hold or be about to obtain a PhD degree in the above-mentioned research areas. Candidates with an earned doctorate from prestigious universities domestic or abroad are preferred.

2. With strong research abilities in data mining, analysis, modeling, and other tasks.

3. Good at or have interest in machine learning algorithms. A solid foundation in Python/R or any other data analysis language.

4. Candidates with solid foundation and research experience in social network analysis, financial technology, computational social science, etc. are preferred.

Benefits and Rewards:

1. A fix term contract for 2 years.

2. A competitive salary of 330,000 CNY per annum (including 150,000 CNY province-level subsidy before tax and 60,000 CNY city-level subsidy after tax. The successful candidates will receive the benefits from SUSTech including subsidy for meals, hot weather, festivals, free body check and other benefits required by the law.

3. Candidates may also apply for the chancellor's award for outstanding postdocs, with a salary of more than 400,000 CNY per annum (including subsidy from Guangdong and Shenzhen).

4. Postdocs will receive a subsidy of 25,000 CNY from the university for academic activities during the contract term.

5. According to the specific scientific research performance of the post-doctoral students, they can enjoy the corresponding scientific research performance awards of the faculty and subject groups.

6. Successful candidates will be able to apply as the principal investigator for grants from the postdoc science foundation, the national science foundation as well as the Guangdong province and Shenzhen city.

7. Candidates graduated from the world top 200 foreign universities (according to the latest Times, USNEWS, QS and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Rankings) could apply for a living subsidy of 600,000 CNY from the Guangdong province. The successful candidates will receive a housing subsidy of 400,000 CNY after obtaining their postdoc certificates and signing a contract of more than 3 years with a company registered in Guangdong.

8. Post-doctoral students who choose to stay in Shenzhen to engage in scientific research and who have signed labor (employment) contracts with enterprises and institutions in the city for more than 3 years can apply for Shenzhen post-doctoral research grants. The Shenzhen Municipal Government gives 100,000 CNY per person per year for three years to subsidize scientific research.

9. For postdocs who meet the policy requirements of the latest 'Shenzhen Newly Introduced Talent Rental Housing and Living Allowance', after settling in Shenzhen, they can apply for a one-time rental housing and living allowance of 30,000 yuan in Shenzhen (tax-free, independent online application).

10. According to the conditions that they meet, post-docs who stay in Shenzhen or out of Shenzhen can apply for 'Shenzhen Peacock Plan Class C Talents' or 'Shenzhen Reserve Level Talents' and enjoy an incentive allowance of 1.6 million CNY for 5 years (tax-free) (subject to the latest declaration requirements of relevant talents in Shenzhen).

11. Outstanding outgoing postdocs will be actively recommended to assist them in applying for positions such as research assistant professor at SUSTech.

● Research Assistant

Research Areas: Applied mathematics, computer science, econometrics and other interdisciplinary areas in related fields.

Job Requirements:

1. With a strong spirit of teamwork and a good command of English.

2. Good at or have interest in machine learning algorithms. A solid foundation in Python/R or any other data analysis programming language.

3. Bachelor's degree or Master's degree from prestigious universities domestic and abroad is preferred.

4. Candidates with strong research interest in social network analytics, block chain, financial technology, computational social science, data visualization and etc. are preferred.

Benefits and Rewards:

1. Monthly salary is about 5000-10000 CNY. Salary is highly competitive for talented candidates. Performance bonus is available to successful candidates.

2. National holidays, paid annual leave and benefits from SUSTech including subsidy for meals, hot weather, festivals, free body check and other benefits required by the law.

3. Good space for personal growth and development. If qualified, the candidates are recommended to apply for a PhD position at SUSTech with a higher priority.

● Research Scholar

Research Areas: Applied mathematics, computer science, econometrics and other interdisciplinary areas in relating fields.

Job Requirements:

1. An earned Ph.D. in the above-mentioned research areas. Candidates with a Ph.D. degree from prestigious universities domestic or abroad are preferred.

2. With strong research abilities and can independently conduct tasks including data mining, analysis, modelling, etc.

3. Good at or have interest in machine learning algorithms. A solid foundation in Python/R or any other data analysis programming language.

4. Candidates with solid research background in social network analytics, block chain, financial technology, computational social science, data visualization, etc. are preferred.

Benefits and Rewards:

1. Annual salary is about 150,000 - 300,000 CNY.

2. National holidays, paid annual leave and benefits from SUSTech including subsidy for meals, hot weather, festivals, free body check and other benefits required by the law.

3. Good space for personal growth and development.

To apply

If you are interested in the position, please send the following application materials to Mrs Zhou (zhouzd3@mail.sustech.edu.cn) with the email subject "Research Assistant/Research Scholar/Postdoctoral Research Fellow -Your Name -Your Major -gaoxiaojob".

Application should include:

-Resumes (PDF format) in English or Chinese

-Academic Transcripts (PDF format) in English or Chinese (if available)

-Personal statement

-Research statement (Only for Postdoctoral Research Fellow)

-The contact information of three recommenders (Only for Postdoctoral Research Fellow)

-The earliest on board time




