聘任單位 Department |
計算機科學與技術學院/人工智能學院 College of Computer Science and Technology/College of Artificial Intelligence |
流動站Mobile Station (一級學科) ( Academic Discipline) |
計算機科學與技術 Computer Science and Technology |
招聘人數 Number of recruits |
3 |
崗位職責 Responsibilities |
智能無人系統毫米波雷達感知技術研究博士后人員/毫米波天線和射頻電路/信號處理/圖像識別和融合處理 Research fellows on millimeter wave (MMW) radar sensing for unmanned-vehicle navigation/MMW antennas and radio frequency systems/MWM radar signal processing;/ Computer vision,image recognition and information fusion. |
聘用條件 Required qualification |
1. 年齡不超過35周歲; 2.獲得國內外知名大學博士學位; 3.發表高水平論文多篇,其中包括以第一作者在所研究領域權威期刊或頂級會議上發表論文1-2篇; 4.有三年或三年以上研究經驗者優先錄用; 1. No more than 35-year old. 2. Received a doctorate degree in relative field from a famed university in China or abroad.; 3. Published a number of high-quality papers, including 1-2 ones as the first author in top-ranked journals or conferences; 4. Three-year or more research experiences are preferred; |
薪酬 Salary |
1.全職博士后至少40萬元/年;外籍博士后:5-7萬美元; 2.學校提供博士后公寓; 3.優秀者可競聘正式編制教職。 1.Full-time post doctoral: 400,000 RMB or more; Foreign postdoctor: US $50,000-70,000. 2.The post-doctoral apartments are provided; 3.Excellent candidates may compete for full faculty positions. |
合作導師 Supervisor |
陳兵 Chen Bing |
聯系人 Contact |
謝健 Xie Jian |
聯系電話 Telephone |
025-84892848 |