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時間:2020-04-29來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名



胡歡博士在中國清華大學獲得了學士和碩士學位,并在伊利諾伊大學香檳分校大學與William P. King教授合作5年并獲得博士學位。他還曾在IBM T. J. Watson研究中心擔任博士后研究員,為期兩年。他的研究集中在納米技術、數字制造、芯片與先進傳感器實驗上。他曾領導了學術界和工業界的項目,并因此發表了16份同行評議的期刊論文并獲得14項公開專利。此外,他還協助并領導了包括一項200萬美元的美國國家科學基金會新興前沿研究和創新獎項(NSF EFRI)和20萬美元的工業獎項在內的數項成功的資助計劃。













Huan Hu’s Group of ZJU-UIUC Institute is Recruiting One Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Prof. Hu huan's group have several postdoc position openings seeking candidates from physics, material science or mechanical engineering backgrounds.


Prof. Hu earned the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees at Tsinghua University in China, and obtained his Ph.D. in the ECE department working with Prof. William P. King in 2014.  He then joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a postdoctoral research scientist for almost 3 years.  He has led projects in both academia and industry, resulting to 20 peer-reviewed journal papers published in international-recognized journals including Advanced Materials, PNAS, Biomaterials and Nanotechnology. Moreover, he has a strong application-oriented mindset and filed 18 US patent disclosures (4 patents granted). In addition, he has also assisted and led several successful funded proposals including a 2 million dollars NSF EFRI award and a 200,000 dollars industrial award.


Candidates who have experience in molecular dynamics simulation, atomic force microscope, focused ion beams are preferred. Candidates will work on an exciting cross-disciplinary project involving semiconductor materials such as silicon and 2-D materials. Research work includes simulation of high enery beams with silicon, general material characterizations, mechanical test of materials and membranes, etc.  The salary ranges from 200,000 to 300,000 RMB/year depending on the Ph.D. degree school ranking, publication records and skillsets.


Prof. Hu will also provide career development advices to help postdocs grow into an independent researcher.


Please send your CV, 3-5 representative papers and 3 references' contact information to Prof. Hu, huanhu@intl.zju.edu.cn, with an email title 'postdoc application'.



ZJU-UIUC Institute, Zhejiang University, Haining, Zhejiang, China




