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哈爾濱工業大學Hans Bueler 神經生物學課題組招聘啟事

時間:2014-07-17來源:中國博士人才網 作者:91boshi


哈爾濱工業大學Hans R. Bueler 教授課題組長期從事神經生物學研究工作。我們團隊的主要研究方向為與帕金森綜合癥相關的轉基因細胞和動物模型中引起其神經功能紊亂的分子與細胞生物學機制,并致力于以細胞發育為基礎,研究帕金森綜合癥的藥物篩選工作及其發展。更多信息請點此鏈接http://life.hit.edu.cn/News/Show_e.asp?id=4408   

 1. 應聘者應具有細胞分子生物學實驗基礎,可獨立有效的完成課題任務;   
 2. 應聘者應具備細胞培養、動物細胞轉染、mRNA及蛋白表達分析、原代神經元細胞的分離與培養、冰凍組織切片、免疫組化等相關實驗技能;   
 3. 應聘者若具有小鼠立體手術治療相關技能將優先考慮;   
 4. 應聘者應具備較好的英文寫作及表達能力。   
 聯系人:張云鶴 電話:18646000436 郵箱:craneer@163.com   
 Two Postdoc positions are available in the laboratory of Professor Hansruedi Büeler at the Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Life Sciences and Technology, to study the genetic and molecular mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis. We recently generated mice lacking PINK1, a mitochondrial kinase linked to familial Parkinson’s disease (PD). Using PINK1-knockout mice and cells our studies focus on three areas: (1) The role of mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and abnormal cell signaling in neuronal loss of PD, (2) The potential of PINK1 as a therapeutic target to modulate onset and progression of other neurodegenerative diseases characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, and (3) the function of PINK1 for extracellular signal-induced changes of cell metabolism during physiological and pathological processes in neurons and the brain. Applicants should be experienced in molecular biology and able to design and perform experiments independently and effectively, with appropriate support. Recombinant DNA technology, cell culture and transfection of mammalian cells, analysis of mRNA and protein expression, isolation of primary neurons, preparation of cryosections, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and production of viral (rAAV) vectors for brain gene transfer are among the methods used in these projects. Candidates with experience in these techniques are particularly encouraged to apply. Prior experience with animal experimentation and stereotaxic surgery would be advantageous but is not essential. Candidates should have reasonably good oral and written English skills to communicate with the English-speaking professor. Salary will be according to skills and experience in the areas relevant to the project. For further information please visit http://life.hit.edu.cn/News/Show_e.asp?id=4408. Please send your application, including CV, publication list, description and results of previous research activities and the names and contact details of at least two references to: hbueler@hit.edu.cn.



